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Join us

Thank you for your interest in appearing on


The steps are very simple. After filling in the form below which corresponds to your professional activity, your application will be examined by our editorial team. You can send the images apart, directly to Mathilde Ayoub’s mail, which coordinate the webiste, at


We know that the art field allows many crosses in disciplines, and it is often that an artist or a museum director is at the same time an editor or an art critic. If it’s your case, don’t hesitate to fill in two or three different forms.


Welcome to artesur!


Choose the form you want to fill:

• Artist

• Art fair

• Biennial

• Critic

• Curator

• Festival

• Gallery

• Museum

• Press

• Residency



Attention :


Your form will only be taken into account if you fill the following requirements:


– Artesur’s main purpose is to promote Latin American contemporary art. We will only accept the applications from people and institutions that are directly related to this region.


– The application must be related to contemporary art.


If your application does not correspond to these requirements, Artesur reserves the right to decline your application.