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First name*
Last name*
Country and city of origin*
Country and city of residence*
Year of birth*
A small text (5 to 10 lines) in English and / or in Spanish presenting your work as a curator.
A list of 5 to 10 curated exhibitions that you consider relevant in your professional background (past or upcoming) in galleries, museums, public spaces, etc.For example:2004 – Landings – Ex Convento de Conkal, Mérida, Yucatán, México. Curator: Joan Duran.
Personal email (for contacts with the artesur team)*
Email to appear on (if you dont want your personal email to appear on the website, the e-mail of your representing gallery or agent)*
Your website (if you have more than one, separate the addresses with a comma).
Links to press articles related to your work as a curator in English and / or in Spanish or Portuguese.
You can send any document about your work. These documents could complete or support your introductory text. It may be a .Doc, Pdf, or a Zip Document. These must not be bigger than 64MB.
In order to be published in, your images need to match the technical requisits of the website, that is to say : JPG format, minimum resolution : 500 x 300 pixels, maximum size : 3MB. All images must be enumerated, and submitted in one .zip file.
An image is always easier to read when it is labelled. Please write an enumerated list in a text file (word, text edit etc.) with the technical information of each image you grouped in the .zip file, following this example:
1 . Title of the artwork. Name of the exhibition or series. Technique and year. Courtesy. (and any additional information) !! Each number must correspond to each image submitted !! At the end of the list, please specify the order in which you want the pictures to be grouped, and the names of the albums. For example :
- Album 1 : Pictures from 1 to 11 - Album 2 : Pictures from 10 to 25
Use the site WeTransfer and send your files one by one to the address: contact@arte-sur.orgEach file that you send us must show your name or the name of the institution you represent. If you send us several files, please list them.
Example: or MAC_ MAC_
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