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Gabriela Machado

Born in 1960 in Santa Catalina, Brazil
Lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Gabriela Machado was born in Santa Catarina, South of Brasil, in 1960. She moved to Rio de Janeiro and this was the city where she learnt about the colors, the smells and the large scales of all things. After all, in Rio everything is huge. She got her BA in Architecture and though she did participate in a few restoring works, she soon discovered that her mission was to be different. This was when she began studying fine arts, taking several classes in a few of the most respectful art schools in Rio. Today, Gabriela is professedly what she always has been: a painter of nature, a painter on large scale canvas, a painter inspired by the referred colors, the referred smells and the referred formats of the city where she lives. Throughout the years her work keeps on evolving and she has had her work exhibited in cities like São Paulo, New York or Madrid. And of course, Rio, her one and only base.

2011 – Centro Cultural São Paulo. São Paulo, SP. Brazil.
2011 – Gardens of Lisbon by Gabriela Machado – Carpe Diem. Lisbon – Portugal.
2010 – Laura Marsiaj Gallery. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brazil.
2010 – Alindina, Alecrim and Doralina – Celma Albuquerque Gallery. Belo Horizonte, MG. Brazil.
2009 – Mad Medoth, Curator Ronaldo Brito – Caixa Cultural. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brazil.
2008 – 3+1 Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal.
2006 – Virgílio Gallery. São Paulo, SP. Brazil.
2005 – H.A.P Gallery. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brazil.
2003 – Neuhof Gallery. New York, USA.
2002 – Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brazil.


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